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Author Guidelines

Manuscript Preparation

  • Title Page: Include the article title, author names, affiliations, and contact details of the corresponding author.
  • Abstract: Provide a concise summary of the research, including objectives, methodology, key results, and conclusions. Limit the abstract to 150-250 words.
  • Keywords: Include 3-7 keywords for indexing purposes.
  • Main Text: Structure the manuscript into sections such as Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References.
  • Figures and Tables: Submit figures and tables as separate files. Ensure they are high resolution (300 dpi) and include appropriate captions.

Submission Process

  • Online Submission: Submit your manuscript through the journal's online submission system.
  • Peer Review: The manuscript will undergo a single-anonymized peer review process. Authors will be notified of the editor’s decision and any required revisions.

Ethical Considerations

  • Originality: Ensure your work is original and has not been published elsewhere.
  • Plagiarism: Properly cite all sources and avoid any form of plagiarism.
  • Conflicts of Interest: Disclose any potential conflicts of interest.

Licensing and Open Access

  • License: Articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). This allows for sharing and adaptation, provided appropriate credit is given.
  • Open Access: All articles are freely available online immediately upon publication.

Formatting and Referencing

  • Formatting: Use the provided manuscript template to format your submission.
  • Referencing: Follow the APA (7th edition) style for citations and references.

Submission Checklist

  • Ensure all co-authors have approved the manuscript.
  • Verify that the manuscript follows the journal’s formatting guidelines.
  • Prepare a cover letter outlining the significance of your research.

For more details, please download the Guide for Authors and the Manuscript Template from the sidebar.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.

Original Research Articles

Original research articles should present well-conceived and executed research that adds significantly to the existing body of knowledge in the fields of architecture, design, engineering, sustainability, artificial intelligence, and related disciplines. Articles should provide comprehensive and detailed descriptions of the study, methodologies, results, and interpretations, and discuss the implications of the findings.


Submission Requirements

Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts that:

Offer new insights or advancements in the relevant field.

Present hypotheses or research questions that are addressed through rigorous experimental or theoretical work.

Include detailed descriptions of materials, methods, and procedures to ensure reproducibility.

Provide thorough and balanced discussions of the findings, including their significance, limitations, and future directions.

Reference relevant literature and clearly articulate how the work fits within the broader context of existing research.


Manuscript Structure

Original research articles should generally follow this structure:

Title Page: Including the title of the article, authors' names, affiliations, and contact information of the corresponding author.

Abstract: A concise summary of the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions (typically 150-250 words).

Keywords: 4-6 keywords that accurately reflect the content of the article.

Introduction: Providing background information, rationale, and objectives of the study.

Materials and Methods: Detailed description of the experimental design, materials used, and procedures followed.

Results and Discussion: Presentation of the findings with appropriate use of tables, figures, and statistical analyses. Then, interpretation of the results, implications of the findings, comparison with previous studies, limitations, and potential future research directions.

Conclusion: A summary of the main findings and their significance.

Acknowledgments: Recognition of any funding sources, contributors, or collaborators.

References: A comprehensive list of all cited works, formatted according to the journal's guidelines.


Review Process

All submissions will undergo a thorough peer-review process, typically involving at least two independent reviewers with expertise in the relevant field. The review process aims to ensure the quality, originality, and relevance of the submitted work. Authors may be asked to revise their manuscripts based on reviewers' comments and suggestions.


Ethical Considerations

Authors must adhere to ethical standards in the conduct and reporting of research. This includes obtaining necessary approvals for studies involving human or animal subjects, ensuring data integrity, and properly acknowledging all sources and contributions. Instances of plagiarism, data fabrication, or other forms of research misconduct will be taken seriously and may result in the rejection of the manuscript.



Manuscripts should be submitted through the journal's online submission system. Authors are encouraged to consult the journal's Guide for Authors for detailed instructions on manuscript preparation and submission.

Review Papers

Review papers in the "Design Dialogue" journal aim to provide comprehensive, critical, and authoritative insights into specific topics within the fields of architecture, design, engineering, sustainability, artificial intelligence, and related disciplines. These articles should synthesize existing research, identify trends, highlight significant advancements, and suggest future directions for the field.


Submission Requirements

Authors are encouraged to submit review manuscripts that:

Offer a thorough and balanced synthesis of the current state of research on a specific topic.

Identify key trends, debates, and gaps in the existing literature.

Provide a critical evaluation of methodologies, theories, and findings.

Propose new perspectives, frameworks, or hypotheses to guide future research.

Reference a broad range of sources to provide a comprehensive overview.


Manuscript Structure

Review papers should generally follow this structure:

Title Page: Including the title of the article, authors' names, affiliations, and contact information of the corresponding author.

Abstract: A concise summary of the main themes, findings, and conclusions of the review (typically 150-250 words).

Keywords: 4-6 keywords that accurately reflect the content of the article.

Introduction: Providing background information, the rationale for the review, and the specific objectives of the article.

Body: Structured sections that comprehensively cover the topic. This may include:

Historical Context: Overview of the development and evolution of the topic.

Current Trends: Discussion of recent advancements and current state-of-the-art.

Methodologies: Review of the various methodologies and approaches used in the field.

Key Findings: Summary of significant findings and contributions.

Debates and Controversies: Identification and analysis of key debates, disagreements, and challenges.

Discussion: Critical evaluation of the reviewed literature, identification of gaps, limitations, and potential biases, and suggestions for future research directions.

Conclusion: Summary of the main insights and contributions of the review.

Acknowledgments: Recognition of any funding sources, contributors, or collaborators.

References: A comprehensive list of all cited works, formatted according to the journal's guidelines.


Review Process

All submissions will undergo a thorough peer-review process, typically involving at least two independent reviewers with expertise in the relevant field. The review process aims to ensure the quality, comprehensiveness, and balance of the submitted work. Authors may be asked to revise their manuscripts based on reviewers' comments and suggestions.


Ethical Considerations

Authors must adhere to ethical standards in the conduct and reporting of review articles. This includes providing an honest and balanced assessment of the literature, properly acknowledging all sources and contributions, and avoiding any forms of plagiarism. Instances of research misconduct will be taken seriously and may result in the rejection of the manuscript.



Manuscripts should be submitted through the journal's online submission system. Authors are encouraged to consult the journal's Guide for Authors for detailed instructions on manuscript preparation and submission.

Case Studies

Case studies in the "Design Dialogue" journal aim to present detailed and in-depth analyses of specific instances, projects, or developments within the fields of architecture, design, engineering, sustainability, artificial intelligence, and related disciplines. These articles should provide valuable insights and practical examples that can inform and inspire professionals, researchers, and practitioners in the field.


Submission Requirements

Authors are encouraged to submit case study manuscripts that:

Provide a thorough and contextualized analysis of a specific project, development, or instance.

Highlight unique challenges, innovative solutions, and lessons learned.

Offer practical implications and recommendations for the field.

Include relevant data, illustrations, and documentation to support the analysis.


Manuscript Structure

Case studies should generally follow this structure:

Title Page: Including the title of the article, authors' names, affiliations, and contact information of the corresponding author.

Abstract: A concise summary of the case study, including the context, main findings, and conclusions (typically 150-250 words).

Keywords: 4-6 keywords that accurately reflect the content of the article.

Introduction: Providing background information, the rationale for the case study, and the specific objectives of the article.

Case Description: Detailed description of the case, including:

  • Context: Background and setting of the case.
  • Project/Development Details: Specifics of the project or instance being studied.
  • Stakeholders: Identification of key stakeholders involved.

Analysis: Comprehensive analysis of the case, including:

  • Challenges: Discussion of the unique challenges encountered.
  • Solutions: Description of the innovative solutions implemented.
  • Outcomes: Evaluation of the results and impact of the case.

Discussion: Critical evaluation of the case, including:

  • Lessons Learned: Key insights and lessons that can be applied to similar cases.
  • Implications: Practical implications for the field.
  • Recommendations: Suggestions for future projects or developments.

Conclusion: Summary of the main insights and contributions of the case study.

Acknowledgments: Recognition of any funding sources, contributors, or collaborators.

References: A comprehensive list of all cited works, formatted according to the journal's guidelines.

Appendices: Any additional material, such as data tables, figures, or documents, that support the case study.


Review Process

All submissions will undergo a thorough peer-review process, typically involving at least two independent reviewers with expertise in the relevant field. The review process aims to ensure the quality, comprehensiveness, and practical relevance of the submitted work. Authors may be asked to revise their manuscripts based on reviewers' comments and suggestions.


Ethical Considerations

Authors must adhere to ethical standards in the conduct and reporting of case studies. This includes providing an honest and balanced assessment, properly acknowledging all sources and contributions, and avoiding any forms of plagiarism. Instances of research misconduct will be taken seriously and may result in the rejection of the manuscript.



Manuscripts should be submitted through the journal's online submission system. Authors are encouraged to consult the journal's Guide for Authors for detailed instructions on manuscript preparation and submission.

Technical Notes

Technical notes in the "Design Dialogue" journal are concise articles that present significant innovations, technical advancements, methodologies, or practical insights relevant to the fields of architecture, design, engineering, sustainability, artificial intelligence, and related disciplines. These articles aim to quickly disseminate important technical information that can enhance professional practice and stimulate further research.


Submission Requirements

Authors are encouraged to submit technical note manuscripts that:

Present new methods, techniques, or technologies.

Provide practical solutions to specific technical challenges.

Offer preliminary results of innovative studies or pilot projects.

Include detailed descriptions and justifications of the methods or technologies discussed.


Manuscript Structure

Technical notes should generally follow this structure:

Title Page: Including the title of the article, authors' names, affiliations, and contact information of the corresponding author.

Abstract: A concise summary of the technical note, including the main findings and significance (typically 100-150 words).

Keywords: 4-6 keywords that accurately reflect the content of the article.

Introduction: Providing background information, the rationale for the technical note, and the specific objectives of the article.

Methodology/Technical Description: Detailed explanation of the method, technique, or technology, including:

Materials and Methods: Description of materials, equipment, and procedures used.

Technical Details: Specific technical aspects, steps, and processes involved.

Results and Discussion: Presentation and discussion of the results obtained, including:

  • Findings: Key outcomes and observations.
  • Analysis: Interpretation of the results and their significance.
  • Comparisons: Where applicable, comparison with existing methods or technologies.

Conclusion: Summary of the main insights and contributions of the technical note, and potential implications for practice or further research.

Acknowledgments: Recognition of any funding sources, contributors, or collaborators.

References: A comprehensive list of all cited works, formatted according to the journal's guidelines.

Appendices (if applicable): Any additional material, such as data tables, figures, or supplementary information that support the technical note.


Review Process

All submissions will undergo a thorough peer-review process, typically involving at least two independent reviewers with expertise in the relevant field. The review process aims to ensure the quality, accuracy, and relevance of the submitted work. Authors may be asked to revise their manuscripts based on reviewers' comments and suggestions.


Ethical Considerations

Authors must adhere to ethical standards in the conduct and reporting of technical notes. This includes providing an honest and balanced assessment, properly acknowledging all sources and contributions, and avoiding any forms of plagiarism. Instances of research misconduct will be taken seriously and may result in the rejection of the manuscript.



Manuscripts should be submitted through the journal's online submission system. Authors are encouraged to consult the journal's Guide for Authors for detailed instructions on manuscript preparation and submission.


The Discussions section in the "Design Dialogue" journal provides a platform for scholarly exchange and critical analysis of previously published research, technical notes, review papers, and case studies within the journal. This section aims to foster intellectual debate, provide clarifications, offer alternative interpretations, and highlight the broader implications of the work, encouraging ongoing dialogue within the academic and professional communities.


Submission Requirements

Authors are encouraged to submit discussion manuscripts that:

Critically analyze and comment on articles previously published in the "Design Dialogue" journal.

Offer constructive feedback, raise questions, or suggest alternative viewpoints.

Present new insights, additional data, or different interpretations that can enhance the understanding of the original work.

Address the significance and potential impact of the discussed article on the field of architecture, design, engineering, sustainability, artificial intelligence, and related disciplines.


Manuscript Structure

Discussion manuscripts should generally follow this structure:

Title Page: Including the title of the discussion, authors' names, affiliations, and contact information of the corresponding author. The title should reference the original article being discussed.

Introduction: Briefly describe the context and objectives of the discussion, including a summary of the key points of the original article.

Main Discussion: A detailed analysis and commentary on the original article, including:

  • Critical Analysis: Evaluation of the methodologies, findings, and conclusions of the original article.
  • Alternative Interpretations: Presentation of different perspectives, interpretations, or additional data that challenge or complement the original findings.
  • Broader Implications: Discussion of the broader implications of the original work and its impact on the field.

Conclusion: Summarize the key points of the discussion, highlighting the main contributions and suggestions for further research or practice.

Acknowledgments: Recognition of any funding sources, contributors, or collaborators.

References: A comprehensive list of all cited works, including the original article being discussed, formatted according to the journal's guidelines.

Appendices (if applicable): Any additional material, such as data tables, figures, or supplementary information that support the discussion.


Review Process

All submissions will undergo a thorough peer-review process, typically involving at least two independent reviewers with expertise in the relevant field. The review process aims to ensure the quality, accuracy, and relevance of the submitted work. Authors may be asked to revise their manuscripts based on reviewers' comments and suggestions.


Ethical Considerations

Authors must adhere to ethical standards in the conduct and reporting of discussions. This includes providing an honest and balanced assessment, properly acknowledging all sources and contributions, and avoiding any forms of plagiarism. Instances of research misconduct will be taken seriously and may result in the rejection of the manuscript.



Manuscripts should be submitted through the journal's online submission system. Authors are encouraged to consult the journal's Guide for Authors for detailed instructions on manuscript preparation and submission.

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